Heat Conservation Technology
Cutting-edge Heat Conservation Technology
for advanced energy savings
Heat Conservation Technology
Cutting-edge Heat Conservation Technology
for advanced energy savings
Heat Conservation Technology
Advancing energy savings with cutting-edge heat conservation technology.
Heat can be conserved by minimizing radiation heat losses .Heat Conservation Technology refers to energy-efficient methods and practices aimed to achieve this goal, optimizing energy efficiency across various applications.
Novota Thermotech utilizes this technology to develop several cutting-edge coatings that effectively retain and utilize heat, thereby reducing your operation's overall energy consumption.
Novota Thermotech utilizes this technology to develop several cutting-edge coatings that effectively retain and utilize heat, thereby reducing your operation's overall energy consumption.
Reduces energy consumption
Lowers utility bills and operational costs
Reduces downtime & boosts productivity
Minimizes carbon footprint
Building and Construction
- Roofs
- Walls External surfaces
- Furnaces
- Kilns
- Boilers
- Tanks
- Aerospace manufacturing
Power Generation
- Boilers
- Turbines
- Generators
- Pipelines
- Combustion chambers
- Control panels
- Electrical equipments
- Vehicle engine components
- Cabins of buses,trains & aircraft
- Braking system
- Pipelines and exhaust system in ships
- Wing and fuselage
- Electric motors of EVs
Food Processing
- Ovens
- Refrigerators
Oil and Gas
- Drilling equipments
- Pipelines
- Storage tanks
- Refineries
- Compression station
- Processing unit
Renewable Energy
- Solar thermal collectors
- Solar panels
- Wind turbine blades
- Hydraulic equipment
- Biomass combustion system
Data Centers
- Cooling systems
- IT equipment
- Data center walls
- Floor
- Electrical systems