The share of energy consumption in commercial and residential sectors has risen significantly. However, with the introduction of the Energy Conservation Bill, buildings in India are increasingly focused on regulating energy use and transitioning towards green building practices. Heat-reflective paint can be instrumental in building green buildings.

But how can a stroke of paint improve energy efficiency? In this blog, we will explore the nuances of heat-reflective paint and its role in improving energy efficiency. To begin, we’ll examine how energy is utilized in domestic and commercial buildings.

Where is the energy used in commercial and residential buildings? 

1. In residential buildings, energy is used for:

  • Maintaining optimum temperature
  • Lighting
  • Household appliances
  • Electronics

2. In commercial buildings, energy is used for:

  • HVAC 
  • Lighting
  • Industrial machineries

Over half of the total energy is consumed to maintain thermal comfort. Let’s explore in detail why maintaining thermal comfort requires such a significant amount of energy:

Why is so much energy used for maintaining thermal comfort? 

When sunlight hits a building, it brings energy that walls, roofs, and windows absorb. Building materials (walls and roofs) absorb and retain heat, making the indoor temperature warmer. 

A significant amount of energy is used for maintaining thermal comfort due to several factors:

  • The heating and cooling systems consume considerable energy 
  • Poor insulation in buildings leads to heat gain in summer, forcing cooling systems to work harder
  • Regions with extreme temperatures or high humidity places like Mumbai require more energy for effective climate control
  • The urban heat island effect influences higher energy consumption in cities

Heat-reflective paint avoids the absorption of heat from building materials and effectively contributes to energy savings. This cool-roof paint can be applied to the roofs of buildings, warehouses, malls, and other commercial spaces. 

What is heat-reflective paint?

Heat-reflective paint typically contains nano-ceramic to reflect heat. 

This heat-resistant and high-temperature paint redirects the solar radiation away from the surface it covers. 

When sunlight hits a surface, it can either be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. Solar reflective paint minimizes absorption, thereby reducing heat buildup in the material beneath it.

Think of this like an umbrella on a sunny day. Just like it shields you from intense sun rays, heat-reflective paint shields your home from the sun. 

Novota Thermotech manufactures Sunsheetal, a heat-reflective, high-albedo paint. Albedo measures a surface’s reflectivity. High albedo means the coatings reflect a significant portion of solar radiation, contributing to energy saving. 

Fact: Heat-reflective paint can also enhance energy efficiency in vehicles.

How does Sunsheetal – heat reflective paint improve energy efficiency in buildings? 

  • Reflectivity: By reflecting more sunlight, these solar reflective coatings reduce heat absorption and keep surfaces cooler.
  • Reduced heat absorption: Minimizing heat absorption means the coatings can reduce the need for air conditioning in buildings, leading to lower energy consumption and utility bills.  One study revealed that heat-reflective coatings can reduce cooling loads by over 90%.
  • Mitigate urban heat island effect: These cool-roof coatings can reduce ambient temperature and mitigate the urban heat island effect in urban areas. 

Rajendra Chaudhari, Founder of Novota, says, “The reflective coating will make the environment livable in the future when temperatures will be unbearable due to global warming.”

Interesting to learn about the benefits of heat-reflective paint beyond its energy efficiency improvements. 

Read More: Top 7 benefits of using heat reflective paint

For a deeper dive into this topic, check out the video linked below!


Looking at a future where energy resources are becoming increasingly limited, heat-reflective paint is a promising solution. We can create energy-efficient urban spaces with the use of this innovative heat-reflective technology.

Novota Thermotech, a specialty paint and coating manufacturer in India, manufactures innovative heat-reflective paint for effective thermal management. 

We are India’s only manufacturer of heat-reflective paint, creating Sunsheetal, a solar—reflective paint with the highest solar reflective index in the country at 108.

With Sunsheetal by Novota, you can enjoy energy-efficient and comfortable living. Contact us today for a free quote on the price of our solar reflective paint.


What is heat-reflective coating?

Heat-reflective coating is a specialized layer of nano-ceramic materials that forms a thermal barrier when applied to surfaces. This coating reflects light and significantly reduces heat transfer, keeping the underlying material cooler.

Do walls reflect heat?

Typically, walls made of cement, brick, or concrete do not effectively reflect heat. However, when coated with a heat-reflective coating, they can actively reflect heat away.

What is the best heat reflecting material?

The best heat-reflecting materials often depend on the specific application. However, for roofs in buildings, warehouses, industrial spaces, and even vehicles and petrochemical tanks, the best heat-reflecting material is the one with the highest solar reflective index.

What is the best paint to reflect heat?

Sunsheetal by Novota Thermotech is the best paint to reflect heat, with the highest solar reflective index in India at 108.

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